The PelviTouch treatment uses magnetic field stimulation with a “flat” profile, “Top Flat Magnetic Stimulation” for a double action onto the pelvic floor: Strengthening or decontracting, inducing intense and involuntary contractions.
This process improves pelvic floor muscles performance, contributing to the restoring of neuromuscular control.
The resulting neuromuscular stimulation, by means of involuntary muscular stimulations, is beneficial for several problems both in the female and male sexual spheres.
PelviTouch acts on the pelvic floor muscles, significantly reducing the symptoms of several urogenital issues – both in hypotonia (loss of muscle tone, for example, in pathologies like incontinence) and hypertonia conditions (excessive muscular tension and constant contraction which are, as an example, the causes of pelvic discomfort).
The same treatment is useful in the improvement of erectile dysfunction and light urinary incontinence in males, stemming also from post Prostatectomy situations, whether total or partial.
During the PelviTouch treatment, patients who are comfortably seated on the applicator, and completely dressed, can enjoy high comfort, while the muscles are stimulated selectively.
PelviTouch can be defined as an “educating” treatment as it is able to make the patient perceive the involvement of the musculature during the session, allowing them to acquire greater awareness and autonomy in pelvic floor management. Moreover, the technology can also be combined with other pharmacological or physical methods.
PelviTouch for Female Urinary Incontinence
PelviTouch acts selectively on pelvic floor muscles, restoring neuromuscular control, thereby reducing the symptoms of incontinence.
In the event of incontinence from stress, the pelvic floor muscles are strengthened by means of high-intensity contractions, lasting a couple of seconds. These contractions are independent of cerebral function, as the peripheral nerves of the pelvic floor area are stimulated directly, and reach greater intensity than that achievable through single voluntary muscular action.
Furthermore, PelviTouch can also induce an inhibitory effect of the detrusor muscle, which is often the cause of urination frequency and strong urination urge.
Several studies in scientific literature show muscular hypertrophy (muscle tone increase) at sonographic level after the treatment, which translates into better continence ability and better urinary control.
The majority of treated patients experience a reduction in frequency and quantity of urinary incontinence, night episodes and better management of instances of urge.
The treatment has also shown improvement in the quality of life with a lesser impact of incontinence on daily activities, such as the ability to do housework, sports activity, taking long trips, also improving sexual life.
PelviTouch for Vulvodynia
Pelvic floor hypertonia is a condition due to which pelvic muscles are constantly contracted, thereby causing pain.
By circumventing voluntary muscle action, PelviTouch is able to induce the relaxation of these muscles and loosen this muscular rigidity that often characterizes vulvodynia and causes pain.
This is also thanks to the particular distribution of the electromagnetic field, exclusive characteristic of PelviTouch, which avoids overstimulation of the sensorial nerves in the pelvic area, which already hypersensitive in this pathology.
Through studies, an improvement in these patients’ sexual functions and a reduction of pain has been observed. At sonographic level, a change in the morphological aspect of the muscles, along with symptoms alleviation, has been demonstrated.
PelviTouch for Cystitides
Hypertone, or excessive tension, of the pelvic floor muscles is one of the factors that may favor the onset of cystitis.
PelviTouch is able to induce pelvic muscles relaxation in order to loosen muscular tension and alleviate the discomfort associated with cystitis The relaxation of contracted muscles improves the conditions of the vulvar tissue, reduces friction during intercourse and abrasion on the mucosas, including the consequent post-coital infections and irritations.
Through studies, a less frequent urination urge sensation and a reduction in bladder pain or burning have been observed.
PelviTouch for Female Fecal Incontinence
PelviTouch acts selectively on pelvic floor muscles, restoring neuromuscular control, thereby reducing the symptoms of incontinence.
In the event of fecal incontinence due to a loss of muscle tone in the pelvic floor, PelviTouch acts on the latter strengthening it through high-intensity contractions. The peripheral nerves in the pelvic floor area are stimulated directly, and greater than normal duration and intensity of the contractions are reached compared to those possible through single voluntary muscle action.
Several studies in scientific literature show, at sonographic level, muscular hypertrophy of the levator ani muscle (namely an increase in muscular tone) after PelviTouch treatment, which translates into better fecal continence ability.
PelviTouch for Male Urinary Incontinence
PelviTouch acts selectively on the pelvic floor muscles, restoring neuromuscular control, thereby reducing the symptoms of incontinence.
In the event of incontinence from stress, for example, following radical prostatectomy, the pelvic floor muscles are strengthened through high-intensity contractions, lasting a couple of seconds. These contractions are independent of cerebral function, as the peripheral nerves of the pelvic floor area are stimulated directly and reach greater intensity than that achievable through single voluntary muscular action.
Furthermore, PelviTouch can also induce an inhibitory effect of the detrusor muscle, which is often the cause of urination frequency and strong urination urge.
The majority of treated patients experience a reduction in frequency and quantity of urinary incontinence, night episodes and better management of instances of urge.
In various studies in literature, the treatment has also shown improvement in the quality of life with a lesser impact of incontinence on daily activities.
PelviTouch for Male Chronic Pelvis Pain Syndrome (CP/CPPS)
The majority of subjects experiencing pelvic pain show muscle-skeletal dysfunctions and the pain is characterized by a chronic spasm of the pelvic floor musculature.
PelviTouch is able to induce pelvic floor muscles relaxation to loosen muscular tension and alleviate pain.
PelviTouch represents a non-invasive, and above all painless, therapeutic option for the management of CPPS, with a neuromodulating effect on pelvic floor spasms and hypersensitivity.
Moreover, the therapy provides patients with a correct perception of the pelvic area.
The majority of treated patients experience a decrease in pain, urinary symptoms and improved quality of life.
PelviTouch for Erectile Dysfunction
Pelvic floor muscles have an important role in sexual activity.
The spasm of pelvic floor muscles, can, in fact, limit arterial flow, while a
reduced muscle tone may have a direct impact on penis rigidity, erection maintenance and ejaculatory process.
The efficacy key of PelviTouch for erectile dysfuncion is the normalization of the pelvic floor and the optimization of the erection.
With the treatment, the pelvic floor muscles are strengthened through high-intensity contractions, lasting a couple of seconds. These contractions are independent of cerebral function, as the peripheral nerves of the pelvic floor area are stimulated directly and reach greater intensity than that achievable through single voluntary muscular action.
By circumventing voluntary muscle action, PelviTouch is able to induce the relaxation of these muscles and loosen muscular rigidity in all those conditions characterized by muscle spasms in the pelvic area.
In scientific literature the treatment has shown improvement, besides in the erectile function, at psychological level with increased sexual desire, satisfaction and pleasure.
PelviTouch for Male Fecal Intontinence
In the event of fecal incontinence due to a loss of muscle tone in the pelvic floor, PelviTouch acts on the latter strengthening it through high-intensity contractions.
The contractions have greater duration and intensity compared with those reachable through single voluntary muscle action, as stimulation with PelviTouch directly involves peripheral nerves in the pelvic floor area.
Several studies in scientific literature show, at sonographic level, muscular hypertrophy of the levator ani muscle (namely an increase in muscular tone) after PelviTouch treatment, which translates into better fecal continence ability.