Vaginal atrophy

Vaginal atrophy is a very common condition especially among menopausal or postpartum women, but it can also occur early on.

Vaginal atrophy

Atrofia vaginale - DEKA INTIMATE
Atrofia vaginale - DEKA INTIMATE

Atrophy is frequently induced by medical treatment, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or as a consequence of ovarian removal surgery. The vulvo-vaginal tract is very sensitive to oestrogen decline, with a number of consequences that directly impact a woman's quality of life: fragility and laxity of the vaginal mucosa, dryness, itching and burning, and pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia).
The drop in oestrogen that occurs with the onset of menopause (whether natural or induced), or even during breastfeeding after childbirth, leads to a series of discomforts that have a strong impact on social life and relationships.
Atrophic vaginitis, i.e. the lack of nourishment and hydration of the cells of the vaginal mucosa, causes a progressive thinning of the vaginal and vulvar mucosa, which becomes more delicate, irritable and more susceptible to trauma. Vaginal dryness, burning, pain during sexual intercourse and constant discomfort (e.g. cystitis and recurrent infections) are a consequence of atrophic vaginitis that often no one talks about, considering them to be a natural consequence of the menopause or post-partum.

Did you know that​

About 1 in 2 menopausal women suffer from vaginal atrophy.
50 %
The most common symptom of vaginal atrophy is vaginal dryness.
70 %
75% of women suffering from vaginal atrophy say that it is a condition that negatively impacts their quality of life.
75 %
44% of women who suffer from it do not consult a gynaecologist for a solution.
44 %
Vaginal atrophy occurs in 70% of previously diagnosed breast cancer patients as a side effect of cancer therapies.
70 %
Only in 10% of the cases do patients spontaneously discuss with their doctors.
10 %
About 1 in 2 menopausal women suffer from vaginal atrophy.
50 %
The most common symptom of vaginal atrophy is vaginal dryness.
70 %
75% of women suffering from vaginal atrophy say that it is a condition that negatively impacts their quality of life.
75 %
44% of women who suffer from it do not consult a gynaecologist for a solution.
44 %
Vaginal atrophy occurs in 70% of previously diagnosed breast cancer patients as a side effect of cancer therapies.
70 %
Only in 10% of the cases do patients spontaneously discuss with their doctors.
10 %

How it is resolved

The aim of treatment for vaginal atrophy is to promote and recover the metabolic activity of the vaginal mucosa through stimulation of new collagen. In this way, it is possible to regain a hydrated mucous membrane that favours the restoration of proper tissue trophism, allowing all the functions of healthy, younger tissue to be restored.

MonaLisa Touch™ is a laser treatment based on a special fractionated CO2 laser system specifically designed for the vaginal mucosa. MonaLisa Touch™ prevents and resolves the effects of oestrogen depletion on vaginal tissues (typical of the menopause and postpartum) by reactivating the production of new collagen and restoring the conditions of the vaginal mucosa characteristic of the fertile age.

From the experience and success of MonaLisa Touch™ at international level, a new evolutionary treatment is now available, combining the proven effectiveness of the CO2 laser source with another wavelength that enhances its effectiveness. MonaLisa Glide™ is in fact a treatment that maximises the results of MonaLisa Touch™, acting deeper, but at the same time reducing recovery time and making it safer.

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“My experience with MonaLisa is very positive because I went from a situation where I had difficulty walking, cycling, had constant burning pains, to a situation where I am really well.”
Elisa - DEKA Intimate testimonianza dei pazienti
“Io ho provato MonaLisa Touch soprattutto perchè avevo un problema di secchezza e di dolore abbastanza importante durante i rapporti sessuali e devo dire che, oltre ad avere il beneficio a livello vaginale (ho notato una maggior lubrificazione e tonicità), ci sono stati dei miglioramenti anche a livello sessuale perché questo trattamento non va ad agire solamente sulla parte fisica, ma anche sull’aspetto relazionale con il compagno. Devo dire che le cose sono migliorate molto, laddove poi ci possono essere anche dei momenti in cui ci si attribuisce la responsabilità di certi fastidi, una volta risolto il problema fisico migliora anche l’aspetto relazionale. ”

Vaginal atrophy